About The Writer

My photo
90's kid / having a love-hate relationship with cats / can't stand pain / sarcastic yet sympathetic / bangtan trash

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Don't judge.


Hey y'all!
How's it going?
Good? Bad?
Answer me!
Don't need to answer.

Just kidding.

Do any of you guys know some famous Youtubers?
Like Nigahiga, or Smosh, or even Pewdiepie?
(And others who I don't mention)
To those who know them,
To those who don't,
what the frick?

But some Youtubers say some..
cencored language.
if you don't mind them saying whatever they want in their videos,
please check their videos out.
I'm not begging on my knees.
if you're SUPER sensitive with those words,
Just don't.

I don't mind watching their videos with those kind of language.

You're implying that I'm bad?
Because I hear all those words?
You are so.. not nice.
If I hear those words,
that doesn't mean I use & copy them in my sentences, right?
Some people are much worse than that.

So, don't ever judge someone by what they hear and watch.
Except if their watching something.. nasty.

I guess that's it.

Can you write down your opinion about this post?
Or just, never mind.


Friday, December 14, 2012



Guess what? 
I have a new cat!

Aww, isn't she lovely? 

Well, technically, she's not actually my pet.
The day she came to my house, she was hungry and her fur is dirty.
Although now she's the same, 'cause I didn't gave her a bath.
Hey! I'm not being irresponsible or anything.
Its just, well, cats hate bath time!
Like, seriously.
I tried to bathe one of my cats the last time.
And it was an epic fail.
I got bitten and scratched. Horribly.

Anyways, where were we?
Ah, yes.
Talking about the first time I lay my eyes on her.
Like I said, she's hungry and dirty.
So my dad gave her some leftover chicken.
Then he called me out to check on this fluffy cat in front of our house.
I tried to pet her, but she backed away.
Maybe she's still scared.
When she was eating, I tried to pet her.
And it was a complete success~

A few days later, my dad told me he saw her 
running across the street when he called her.
Across the street is the bungalow area or I like to call
'the rich people area'.
No offence, OK?
He said maybe she's a pet of  someone from there.

I kinda feel bad now for whoever owns her.
Maybe she slept here and didn't go home anymore.
I'm just saying, I don't even know.
I'm sorry for whoever owns her.
Or she doesn't have an owner.

Well, it's seems like I told you the whole story.
Or maybe not?
Ah, it doesn't bother you guys, right?
So, that's pretty much it.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post.
Although it's long.

And also, sorry 'cause this entire post is in English.
Usually I do rojak language.
Actually, I wanna change from that to full English
when I'm writing a post.
How's that?
Tell me your opinion.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Video games on school holidays!


Sorry 'cause baru tadi upload gambar-gambar yang 
who-knows when they were taken. 
Ara dah tak aktif update blog, online Facebook, Twitter and such.
Makin tak 'rajin' sekarang. Walaupun cuti panjang.
Waktu cuti sekarang ni, Ara lagi suka tengok Youtube & main video game.

Lately, I like to watch gamers who play video games: horror or non-horror 
and reacts to them on Youtube.
But those who plays horror video games and reacts to them
are more funny.  

Game yang Ara main?
Of course lah The Sims 3.
But now with The Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack.
Bak kata orang Melayu: Best giler!

In this game, we can create a fairy, a zombie, a witch, 
a vampire, a werewolf, a ghost and even a genie! 
But mine cannot create a zombie and a genie.
I dunno why, don't ask me.

And there's another game that my bro bought recently.
It's Lego Batman 2 : DC Super Heroes!
For PS3.

So, I played with him, just because I'm bored.
Hey, it's not childish to play Lego games, OK?
It's so much fun!
But then we argued when we cannot solve a mission.
The missions are easy, actually.
But, well, I'm became dumber when the school holiday started.
Eating as many instant noodles as I want.
Not reading many buku rujukan.
Huh, what are we gonna do with you, Ara?

Well, that's about it.
The time is 1:00 a.m right now.
Gotta go.
And hopefully mom is asleep right now.


Jamuan Kelas 1 Sigma'12


These are some pictures from Jamuan Kelas 1 Sigma'12 :

We will cherish this sweet memory forever.

Check out more of these pics at my Facebook :


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Story Baru


Compare tarikh Ara last update dengan tarikh hari ni, 
memang ianya menunjukkan yang Ara dah lama tak tulis post baru.
Dan pembaca-pembaca mesti dah bosan dengan post-post yang dah berdekad lamanya tu kan?
Hehe, maaf lah ye.

"Apa khabar Ara sekarang ni kat sekolah baru?".
Well, OK je kat sekolah baru tu. 
Ara dah berkenalan & dah ada ramai kawan pun dalam batch Ara (form 1).

Dan Ara dapat masuk orkestra kat sekolah tu ^_^
Ni nak bangga jap, boleh? Hehe.
Ara main violin, tapi tak hebat lagi lah.
(Ni bukannya nak bangga ke riak ke apa-apa ke)
Cikgu pun cakap 1st, 2nd year main, takkan terus sedap bunyinya kalau main.
Kena practice hard dan InsyaAllah, dalam 3-4 tahun akan datang,
dah pandai main, sedap bunyinya.

Mine to play, school's property.

Yang paling Ara suka, ada banyak kucing & kittens kat sana!
I know it sounds weird, but seriously.
They're just SO cute, cuddly, soft, friendly and playful.
I feel like I wanna play with them all day.
Why would a person don't like cats & kittens?
Tell me, why?

Anak kucing kat rumah nenek Bangi.

Okay, 14/10 nanti, Ara ada pergi karnival taekwondo kat Mydin Mall Meru, Ipoh.
Lately, kitorang, ahli taekwondo sekolah SMKRPB, 
banyak buat latihan untuk preparation pertandingan sparring kat karnival tu.
Kitorang buat latihan selalunya waktu prep malam.

Geng taekwondo SMKRPB.
Just ignore my blur face.

Sepanjang latihan sparring 2 minggu yang lepas, 
I've got SO many bruises kat kaki and even on my arms.
Bukan Ara seorang je yang kena, kawan-kawan Ara pon 
banyak lebam & bengkak kat kaki+tangan diorang.

1st week berlatih, pergelangan tangan Ara dah bengkan sebab terlipat ke belakang.
Memang tak boleh pusingkan pergelangan tangan masa tu.
Minta kawan Ara urutkan. Nasib baik dia tau mengurut.
Kalau tak, lagi bengkak adalah, bukannya bertambah baik.
Tapi sekarang, dah OK dah.

Well, itu je perkembangan yang berlaku pada Ara kat sekolah baru.
Kalau ada lagi, dan kalau ada masa untuk tulis,
InsyaAllah, Ara akan tulis.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

New school, New life!


Kali ni Ara nak share (sikit) pengalaman & information fasal sekolah baru.
Boleh ke tak share? 
Kaalau tak sudi baca , SKIP THIS POST!
I warned you already.

Taraa! Ni entrance sekolah.

Ni pulak padang sekolah. BESAR PUNYA!

Lencana sekolah yang megah! Ceh.

SMK Raja Permaisuri Bainun, SMKRPB for short, adalah sekolah kluster kecemerlangan di Ipoh, Perak. Korang tau kan kat mana? Kalau tak tau, pergi search website sekolah tu kat Google:


Ada orang tanya Ara: "Best ke sekolah kat sini?"

Bolehlah, bagi Ara.

Tapi bagi pelajar lain, Wallahu'alam.. tak tau lah.

Here are some things that I like about it here:
- Many friendly people.. most of the student.
- Great facilities: libraries, laboratories (ICT, math, science) , etc. 
-Makanan kat kantin, sedap! Dan koperasi sekolah, macam-macam ada. 
Harga barang-barang reasonable & affordable. (Macam ayat dalam karangan BI UPSR)
- And much more.

Okay, talk about the hostel life here.
The 1st few weeks, I cried a LOT, almost like a waterfall.

Why? Of course lah sebab homesick.
Percaya tak? Baru seminggu, dah homesick.

After a month or so, Ara dah dapat adaptasikan diri dengan suasana asrama.

Cepatkan? Ceh, bangga~
And dalam sebulan tu, dah dapat ramai kawan.

Breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner:  form 1+2 makan kat dewan makan atas.

Supper pula makan kat dewan makan bawah.
Yang bestnya, surau dekat dengan asrama perempuan. 
Tak payah jalan jauh nak pergi solat.


Rasanya takat tu je yang mampu Ara share.
So, expect more stories about my life here in SMKRPB from me in the future.
Okay guys?

Dan harap Ara tak merapu dalam post yang akan datang...


Friday, June 1, 2012



Hai semua! 

Eh, aku cakap hai lah! 

Nak sentap lah macam ni!

Haha. Rileks, rileks, aku tak marah pon.

I'm just stressed out with a few things.

And tired, too.

My eyes are as small as Key 's eyes. 

I'm not trying to be racist!

That's how tired I am.

So, because I'm tired, I'm gonna continue this post tomorrow.

Well, maybe.
So stay tuned 

Wait.. That doesn't sound right.

P/S: This post is actually created to release my tension. The writer is too lazy to write posts at this moment. 


Friday, April 20, 2012

Farewell, friends.


I feel SO sad because tomorrow is the last day for me at SMKSKI & kelas 1RKP.
I will miss those who is my classmates and my friends.
Lagi-lagi diorang ni:
Risya , Nisa , Faral , Nana , Ira , Haidah , Sabrina

Petang tadi, there's a TOUCHING moment for me at school. 

Out of the blue, one of my friend cried. 
(Taknak mention nama)
Dia menangis masa Ara cakap "Bye.." je. 
Bila tengok dia menangis, rasa terharu tau. 
Iya lah, mana boleh tak terharu? 
Seorang sahabat kita menangis kerana pemergian kita (Ke sekolah lain). 
Tak terharu ke?
 Tetiba Ara menangis sekali.
 Ara pun tak tau kenapa, mungkin TERLALU terharu? I don't know.
Anyway , kepada kawan-kawan & my classmates:

 Good luck for the upcoming PBS.

OK lah, sampai sini je Ara nak tulis. 

Ara mungkin akan jarang tulis post mulai sekarang sebab Ara dapat masuk asrama penuh. 
Itu lah sebabnya Ara dah tak ada kat sekolah SMKSKI lagi.
 Ara akan jadi budak yang bersekolah di SBP mulai nanti. 
Kawan-kawan Ara ramai tak tau lagi, tapi esok mungkin Ara akan bagi tau diorang.
 If I have the courage. 


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A song for Mother's Day!

Maher Zain The Number One For Me

I was a foolish little child                                      
Crazy things I used to do
And all the pain I put you through
Mama now I’m here for you                                         
For all the times I made you cry
The days I told you lies
Now it’s time for you to rise
For all the things you sacrificed
Oh, if I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone
I swear that I would
I would make it up to you

Mum I’m all grown up now
It’s a brand new day
I’d like to put a smile on your face every day
Mum I’m all grown up now
And it’s not too late
I’d like to put a smile on your face every day

And now I finally understand
Your famous line
About the day I’d face in time
‘Cause now I’ve got a child of mine
And even though I was so bad
I’ve learned so much from you
Now I’m trying to do it too
Love my kid the way you do

(Repeat Chorus)

You know you are the number one for me (x3)
Oh, oh, number one for me
There’s no one in this world that can take your place
Oh, I’m sorry for ever taking you for granted, ooh
I will use every chance I get
To make you smile, whenever I’m around you
Now I will try to love you like you love me
Only God knows how much you mean to me

(Repeat Chorus)

You know you are the number one for me (x3)
Oh, oh, number one for me 


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blog + Video = Vlog?


Ha, ni nak cerita sikit pasal minat yang baru bertandang di hati Ara ni. (Penggunaan BM Ara betul tak?)

Dah lama Ara dengar pasal benda ni, tapi tak pernah terfikir pon nak buat. It looks interesting. And this might sounds lame, but I DREAMED of giving it a try.
Ara dah buat a few videos. Okay, sebenarnya Ara dah buat BERLAMBAK dah, cuma macam tak menarik 'cause in that video, I sound like a mother nagging to her kids.

Heyy, I'm not trying to be a mother-racist, OK?

Anyways. Cuti sekolah seminggu hari tu, me and my sister ADA buat. 
But we sounded awfully ridiculous, so I've decided to let go of my dream for awhile, 
and snap back into reality that I'm ONLY 13. 
And nanti orang kata kau menggedik, Ara oi.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Sekarang ni tak tau lah kenapa, but seriously. Me and my sis (Well, mostly me. I think) dah begitu addicted kat BigBang. Kenalkan diorang? 
WHAT? Tak kenal? 
Aiya, apa nak jadi. Sume takda kenal. Macam mana gua mau cerita ma?
Kalau rajin, searchlah diorang kat Internet. Sebab itulah sebabnya ada Internet.

Apa Ara membebel pasal kegunaan Internet pulak ni?
OK, back to the original topic.
Tak kenal diorang pon tak apa lah, buat-buat kenal je lah ye.
Rasanya Ara lah penyebab obsession yang lahir di hati Ara & my sis pada BigBang sejak dengar lagu baru diorang yang berjudul BLUE.

Diorang ada 2 lagi music video baru yang diorang baru release bulan ni. 
The 2nd music video is called Bad Boy.
(This one is my sister's fav)

There's one more song that I didn't mention. Ni pulak lagu favourite Ara. 
Tajuknya Fantastic Baby! 

Ara rasa dah banyak membazirkan masa korang yang tengah membaca post ni 
dengan mempromote lagu BigBang dalam post ni but that's okay, right? Guys? 
Kalau rajin, tengok lah music video diorang dan tulis kan pandangan korang pasal lagu-lagu tadi ye. 
Tiada paksaan tau.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

The writer's back !


 Sekian lamaku tak buka blog ni.

Ceh! Ayat tak boleh blah!

Sorry sebab tadi, kepala Ara dah 'melayang ke tepi' sikit disebabkan ngantuk sangat.

Baru balik jalan-jalanlah dikatakan, hehe.
Kepada pembaca-pembaca blog Ara ni, macamlah ramai sangat, maaf ya dah lama tak buka. 
Alaa, korang pon tak kisah, kan? 
*Buat muka sedih* 

Ara ada sebab tersendiri: 

Firstly, kerja sekolah asyik melambak je. 

"Alahai, ni alasan je malas update post."

Second, we had pentaksiran, so kenalah study gigih sikit. Sikit je! Haha.

Anyway, minggu ni baru habis pentaksiran (Yes!) dan kitorang dapat cuti one week (More yes!) tapi dapat cuti one week only (Do I have to write "Yes!" for this?)

 Tak apa, kena bersyukur dengan nikmat yang Allah dah bagi, kan?
InsyaAllah, Ara akan buat post banyak-banyak minggu cuti ni.

P/S: Ucapan kat atas ni sebenarnya untuk writer blog ni jer.
Sebab nak bagi orang lain jelly (bak kata budak perempuan)

Haha, main-main je.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Introduction & Description

(Sebagai setiap pembuka bicara)

This is how I look like.
Don't judge me by my looks ONLY.

My name is Farah Athilah. 
I'm born in 1999 and I'm a clumsy & sometimes shy type-of-girl.
Bahasakan diri sendiri sebagai Ara.
The posts in this blog is about Ara's life, some is interesting & some is, well, dumb.
I use two languages: Malay, English or both of them at the same time.
Well, expect some interesting and dumb stories from me in the future.

Oh, one more thing. Ara tak rajin sangat update blog, so Ara tulis bila free je. Okay?
